• User AvatarMiriam McKenzie
  • 14 Feb, 2021
  • 1 Min Read

Wellbeing and Words

Wellbeing and words. Do you feel anxious when you are met with what feels like confrontation? Do you freeze up? Go on the attack? Or do you want to just run away from the situation altogether?

These natural reactions come from the part of our brain developed over 2 million years ago. But now our ‘mammal’ brain has developed too, we can learn strategies to overcome the mind blanks when we are stressed.

By not being able to articulate clearly and confidently your thoughts, causes stress and unnecessary anxiety. The more you know about yourself the easier it is to find the strategies that work best for you to  voice your opinion clearly, confidently and maintain an equilibrium within yourself no matter what is happening. Easier said than done!

As an employer you will understand how anxiety and stress affects wellbeing, productivity, sick leave, productivity, and possibly even turnover. Learning these strategies to pass onto your employees is key to a happy and effective team.

The Southland Chamber of Commerce is running a free webinar on Tuesday 23rd of February on this very topic and guess who the guest is? Yes. Me! Yay!!

If you want to learn these skills yourself or for your team here is the link to RSVP. This will be an introductory session but you will most definitely learn strategies to get you started. You will have access to free resources and links to further training.

This is how the Chamber have advertised who I am…

“Miriam McKenzie is an award winning, published author who has featured in the media. She has nearly 30 years in the education and training business so she knows her stuff. She’s open to healthy debate too.”

Most definitely open to debate. Hope to ‘see’ you there. In the meantime if you would like any information about any Say It Clearly course book a time to chat or flick me an email.

Have a good week, Miriam.