• User AvatarMiriam McKenzie
  • 17 Jun, 2021
  • 2 Mins Read

I’m fully booked for the rest of the year! Well, not until 9 July. Then the calendar is full.

Yes, up until 9th July I have some availability but after that there are no gaps in my calendar – fully booked until January 2022. If you have been thinking about how I can help you and your team with effective communication book a time now.

In New Zealand, ineffective communication can cost 70% of production. $600 per employee, per annum in sick or stress leave, it costs 1.5% of a salary for staff turnover. Not to mention the $12, 000, 000 in personal grievances due to issues escalating that have not been dealt with effectively. (These numbers come from Statistic New Zealand).

If you have any concerns or had employees raise concerns with you around frustration, stress, conflict, bullying,  do not let this escalate, deal with it now. There are 3 ways I can help; 1:1, small group or half day workshop but book a time to talk and we can discuss the best way forward.


“When she rises, we all rise” Westpac Women of Influence slogan is spot on. When we, as women, find our voices and find the words to use for maximum positive effect, we all rise. The other day I was relieving in a science classroom of year 10 young women in an all girls’ school so it was for one hour.

One of the young women in that class I used to teach when she was 5. I was her first teacher and boy, did we clash. The whole year. She wanted to be in charge and so did I (obviously, as the teacher.) If she didn’t see the point in an activity she was very vocal about it and would sometimes point blank refuse to do something she couldn’t see the worth in. Jump Jam springs to mind.

At that school we gave out certificates in assembly every Friday to the student that had done something ‘of note’.  The last Friday of that year I gave the certificate to her because of her determination, strength of character, knowing her own mind. Even at 5 she had mana. (And yes, I do remember the why in behind that certificate 9 years down the track. There are some children who stay with you and watch to see how they develop as a person).

On that one hour in her classroom the other day, she displayed all of those attributes she had at 5. Did we clash again? Yes. How annoying. Clearly she hasn’t yet got the maturity to see how I know best (*insert winky emoji).

What I hope for her, her whanau and our community is that she embraces her mana and learns to use her voice and her words to raise us all up. I do believe she has the skill and attributes to become an outstanding leader and I truly hope she has role-models to show her the power behind her words and how to use them effectively.

Year 10 (14/15 years old) has got to be the worst age EVER. Who’s with me?