• User AvatarMiriam McKenzie
  • 05 Aug, 2020
  • 1 Min Read

When She Rises, We All Rise

Westpac Woman of Influence slogan “When she rises, we all rise” If you’re wondering what  the Women of Influence awards has to do with you, think about the slogan. When we can find our voice and find the words to go with that voice to stand up for our worth, the changes in this world will be huge. Perhaps like the butterfly effect theory. One small, positive word or change in behaviour will cause the same somewhere out in the world and on it will go. Positivity breeds positivity. These women are outstanding leaders in their field, but so are we all.

The late Celia Lashlie says it is on us, as woman, to set the tone of our life and our homes. It’s what we accept what goes in our homes and in our lives. If you are an ‘average’ middle of the road woman (as I am) what changes can you make for yourself to make your world better? Thereby making others’ worlds better. Making your claim on your worth, knowing what it looks like and standing up for you can shift the dynamics of preconceived notions of how a woman should look and sound, prejudice, sexism, and abuse (physical, emotional and psychological) to make our place better. Let’s start in our own backyard, our very own house to shift that dynamic.

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